Meerkat Close Live? Well, you look like struggling successfully attracted our attention





A few days ago, Meerkat‘s CEO in an interview confirmed Meerkat will be closed broadcast service message, he said, the main reason is because Facebook and twitter have opened up for live broadcasting, the company’s new subscriber growth nearly stopped, there is no traffic, live naturally could not handle this kind of business. Subsequently, Recode substandard media have also been reported, for a time, the hottest live application Meerkat quit live streaming news spread throughout the field of Internet circles.

Meerkat born in Silicon Valley, the oldest item is a product Hunt, followed Meerkat get 12 million dollars in financing for the expansion of the road. Meerkat flagship is live online, the first chain of from twitter, early Meerkat can not be registered directly with the twitter account login, carried by the chain twitter diversion, the effect is very significant, because when you log in and live, the system will automatically the message being broadcast live link to the twitter feed stream in, so you can get a good source of traffic, which is also an important reason can be up Meerkat.

But the good last year, Twitter acquired similar products Periscope officially launched, twitter blocked the chain Meerkat in favor of the social relationships chain Resources exclusive Twitter’s own son Periscope, after the latter obtained exclusive traffic growth is very rapid, Meerkat‘ve thrown far behind.

In desperation, Meerkat on Facebook hold the thigh, in May last year, according to The Verge reported, Meerkat formal access to the Facebook social relationships chain: the user can not only use their Facebook account directly login Meerkat, also directly posted on Facebook Meerkat their status updates. In addition, users can also import their own contacts and search for the same use Meerkat friends.

But soon, Facebook also launched its own live experience live, although only open for celebrities, but the attitude has been very clear, and this market giant certainly will not leave alone.

In fact, the two giants in succession after being blocked, Meerkat also made some attempts, such as cooperation and GoPro diversion attempts, such as the relationship between self-chain launched “light follow,” but the fact that no large flow of support, no matter how frustrating, it is inadequate.

So Meerkat decline for these domestic products live what inspired it?

A fundamental problem is the need to address live internet traffic sources, Meerkat flagship universal broadcast, and almost all of the traffic from twitter and Facebook, its own platform is very little traffic, once the giant strangled, equivalent to direct without food. Thus we see that domestic passenger Ye Ying, pepper or, second shot or whatever, busy with their net red sign, because red means network traffic, with traffic, only business. This product can be afloat.

In addition, I also agree with a point of view, the content of the form of bearer experienced Text – Speech – Pictures – short videos – live, from text to live content production increasing the threshold; and in the distribution of users, the majority of products in the Community users are merely “audience” content producers in the true sense of the very few; content production threshold or another way, the higher the content requirements of the community, the lower the proportion of users of the total content producers, and this community more ecological stability will be affected.

Therefore, before universal access to live, we can only rely on the professional content production, which is the female anchor professional content creation, pepper left before a detour, one up on all the people to engage in live, resulting in confusion content, a variety of different types of styles live without classification rendering, resulting in user experience plummeted, the original accumulated churn away.

The second is the Meerkat‘s CEO in a letter to investors mentioned, he thought now live or locate the problem difficult to solve, it is to see who shot out of the question (So far, the value proposition ofbeing liveis just not clear to people who are not celebrities / media / news …… but for most regular people -. it has been hard to figure out when or even why to go live) celebrity comes just more than a halo effect and fans to communicate way, but for the vast majority of ordinary people, or what I took to be solved, and to see who’s the problem – whether feed stream, subscribe, or recommendation algorithm, which is closer to the content production tools, but not the content production platform.

Ecology is an ideal live upstream has enough content producers, downstream there are enough viewers, a match between the flow, generate value, Meerkat failure does not necessarily prove that mobile TV is a false proposition, on the contrary, moving live now Postscript prostrate before the dilemma means that after both enantiomers off or pepper, or whether it is betta panda, pan video in the next field must be a war.