Search Advertising Spend for Q3 2015 Shows Dramatic Shifts

Kenshoo’s clients execute digital marketing campaigns running in more than 190 countries and include nearly half the Fortune 50 across all 10 top global ad agency networks. That’s a lot of data – and thankfully Kenshoo is sharing that data with us on a quarterly basis to observe the changing trends.

Consumers rely on mobile devices more than ever, and advanced marketers are following suit with increasingly optimized campaigns which delivered positive results in both paid social and search. Chris Costello, Director of Marketing Research for Kenshoo.

It’s not simply mobile growth that’s trending dramatically different this year:

  • Social Media Advertising impressions decreased 36% compared to last year while clicks decreased 75% and the overall social click-through rate increased 174%.
  • Paid Search Advertising impressions increased 3% compared to last year while clicks increased 16% and the click-through rate increased 12%.
  • Mobile Advertising impressions increased 73% compared to last year while clicks increased 108%. In fact, the overall mobile ad spend increased a monstrous 69% while desktop and tablet spending remained flat.

The other interesting trend, in my opinion, is the decline in cost per click and increased click-through rate.

Kenshoo also published trends for the combined Asia Pacific Japan regions as well as the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions.

Search Advertising Trends Q3 2015