Cloud Adoption: Tips and Considerations

Cloud Adoption If your organization is currently planning a move to the Cloud, then you will want to know all the details about Cloud Adoption and find out the challenges in deployment, management and automation phases. Savision, recently released two whitepapers written by Microsoft MVP Alessandro Cardoso that are focused on Cloud Adoption from two different perspectives: Business and Technical.

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Do Amazon And Google Public Clouds Need To Work Nicely With Others?

It depends on who you ask. Both companies are cloud-first oriented, but they also want to woo corporate customers who run—and will continue to run —a lot of technology in-house. One question swirling around public cloud providers like Amazon and Google? How well they will connect to customers’ existing information technology—and whether that technology comes in the form of a

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Lawsuits and Legacy – Ensuring Legacy Material Will Withstand Scrutiny

Lawsuits and Legacy Many people envision technology as purely a forward-looking thing, with new approaches to commerce and communications offering increased levels of security and profitability. Although this is indeed the case, it is also important to keep an eye on the past, in terms of the documents and activities that become part of every company’s legacy. This can become

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Cost of the Cloud: Is It Really Worth It?

Cost of the Cloud Cloud computing is more than just another storage tier. Imagine if you’re able to scale up 10x just to handle seasonal volumes or rely on a true disaster-recovery solution without upfront capital. Although the pay-as-you-go pricing model of cloud computing makes it a noticeable expense, it’s the only solution for many use cases that were previously

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