The State of Social Media Marketing 2015

We shared profile and demographic information on each of the popular social networks, but that doesn’t provide a lot of information about the behavioral changes and impact of social media. Mobile, eCommerce, display advertising, public relations and even search engine marketing is being impacted by social media marketing. The fact is… if your business is not marketing on social media,

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Social Media Demographics

I’m not sure of the real value of looking at demographics by social media site when the penetration and diversity of these social media sites are so widespread. The fact is that you can find pockets of prospects or industry pundits in all of them. I suppose it is somewhat interesting to see that there are nuances in the demographics

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There’s a Ton of Value for B2B in Social Media

Some quick B2B Social Media stats: 83% of B2B companies now post on social media! 77% of B2B companies expect to increase the time spent on social in the next year. 35% of B2B companies now subscribe to a social media monitoring platform. As a B2B marketer myself, I’m always surprised that marketing companies see B2B lagging behind B2B. Social

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Sysomos Gaze: Image and Video Monitoring for Social Media

You’re a national brand and a mistreated customer shares an embarrassing photo of your brand on social media. They don’t tag you on the photo, but it’s just too good not to share. It goes viral and before you know it, your monitoring alerts are going off as leading sites begin to mention you and share the image online. Momentum

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Be Careful When Comparing Apples to Apple Trees

Good friend Scott Monty shared some data from McKinsey on research providing the following statistic: Email is actually 40X more effective than Facebook or Twitter for acquiring new customers. 40%! Whenever I see a statistic like that, I’m intrigued and have to run to the source to read more. I quickly navigated from Scott’s post back to the McKinsey report,

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